How To Top Google PageRank With SEOpressor V5

Search engine optimization is very important if you really want to get lots of traffic from the best search engines like Google and Yahoo, and if you want to rank higher in search results, you need to build high quality backlinks. Basically the more backlinks you build the more organic traffic your blog gets, it’s as simple as that.
However, ranking on Google's first page and staying there for a long period it’s not an easy task at all, but it’s achievable if you are willing to work hard. In this post I would like to show you how to rank higher and boost your search engine traffic using SeoPressor.

SeoPressor is an awesome SEO plugin that will certainly supercharge your Blog’s SEO, SEOpressor is a
mandatory plugin, and every blogger should have it installed on his WordPress Blog.

Best SEOpressor V5 Features.
Below some of the features that come with this awesome plugin

On Page SEO

SeoPressor V5 gives you suggestions and recommendations to improve  your blog content SEO in real time

Over optimization check

When you are writing a blog post, you don’t have to worry about over optimization, because SEOpressor warns you if your post is over over optimized !

Rich snippets

This feature is really great because it shows you a preview of your post indexed on Google. The best part is that you have control on that and you can customize as you want it to be, try to make your snippet attractive and your posts will receive more clicks.

Automatic Smart Linking

SeoPressor v5 optimizes your internal and external linking, giving you a better SEO.

Now we know what SEOpressor V5 is all about, here’s a simple guide on how to rank higher in google using SEOpressor V5 !

Head to Google Adwords keyword tool

The concept is very easy, this keyword research process is something you should do very often. Type your words in Google Adwords keyword tool, and it will instantly generate you the best keywords !
you need to chooose the keywords with high mothly searches but with low competition !

 Now when you choose the right and best keywords to include in your post, it’s time to to put SEOpressor V5 in action !

Add 3 keywords to your SEOpressor V5 and try to get a good score from 0% to 100%

Now optimize your post and get a good seopressor score !

Now when you finish optimizing your SEOPressor score and publish your post , do all the required promotion and enjoy better ranking on search engines.

Final words

Well, SeoPressor is really a great plugin and it does really worth being purchased, I really love it and you should too; I personally recommend it to everyone !

Do you like SEOpressor? What is your experience with it? Let us know ;)

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About Unknown

Amos Onyia is a professional internet marketer, blogger and affiliate living in Nigeria. Amos loves to share ideas and help people become successful on the internet. Connect with Amos on Facebook and Twitter


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